Parent/Student Handbook
- JME History
- Absences/Tardies
- Arrival/Dismissal
- Drop Off/Pick Up
- Birthday Policy
- Bicycle/Scooter Policy
- Pruchasing Breakfast/Lunch
- Cafeteria/Dining Expectations
- Communication
- Dress Code
- Emergencies
- Enrollment/Variances
- Expectations and Rules
- Electronic Devices Policy
- Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Health Curriculum
- Homework Policy
- Lunch/Recess Schedules
- Personal Items at School
- Pets at School
- Playground/Recess Expectations
- School and District Events
- Sick/Medication/Lice
- Reminder When Visiting School
- Student Progress Reports
- Student Safety Patrol
- Student Volunteers
- Umbrellas and Sunglasses at Recess Policy
- Vacation/Extended Absence Policy
- Walking Home Procedure/Policy
- Student Acceptable Use Procedures (AUP)
JME History
The original John Muir Elementary building was completed in the Fall of 1971, opening as a K-6 school. It had a population of 312 students. Growth since that time has leveled off and is consistent at around 350 students. Over the course of its 45-year history, John Muir Elementary School has received national recognition several times; once in 1990 and again in 2010, as one of the outstanding schools in the United States. In 2013, 2014 and 2015, the school was named a Washington Achievement Award winner by demonstrating reading and math growth over a three-year period! In the Spring of 2024, John Muir Elementary was recognized as a Visible Learning+ Associate School!
The 2024-2025 school year will be the 13th year in our new building named after the famous naturalist John Muir. He was very active in the National Park movement. We have four shared learning spaces named in honor of Yosemite, the Sierras, Redwoods, and Mt. Rainier. Our school colors are red, white and blue. Our school mascot is Mountie the Mountain Lion.
Regular school attendance is important for all students. Chronic or excessive absenteeism, whether excused or unexcused, has been correlated with lower assessment scores and lower graduation rates. Students may be excused from school, with the consent of their parents/guardians, for medical and dental appointments and to accompany their parents/guardians on out-oftown trips. Additional absences consistent with WAS 392-400-325 will also be considered excused.
Late Arrival/Tardy: In the event that your student arrives after 8:40 AM, you must sign your child in at the office. This policy is designed to support student learning and enhance student safety. Admit slips will be written beginning at 8:40 AM.
Under Washington state’s truancy law RCW 28A.225.030, the school/district are required to take specific actions when students are truant: Parents will be notified in writing or by phone after one unexcused absence in a month.
• A parent conference will be initiated after two unexcused absences in a month in order to help improve attendance.
• The school district may file truancy petitions with the juvenile court after seven unexcused absences in a month or ten unexcused absences in an academic year.
• At five absences of any kind in a 60-day time period or if a teacher has significant concerns, classroom teachers will be notified and asked to make contact with the family, explaining the educational impact on the student.
• If a student has over 10% tardies or absences, or two unexcused absences in a month, or five unexcused absences in a year, a letter will be sent from the Principal to the family indicating the continuing problem, requesting a conference, and mentioning the BECCA requirements for attendance.
If tardiness or absenteeism continues to be an issue, a letter will be sent requesting a meeting with the LWSD BECCA representative, parent, and Principal. There may be some exceptions based on individual student situations and circumstances
Students who are eating breakfast should arrive at 8:10 AM and line up outside the cafeteria doors. All other students should arrive no earlier than 8:25 AM and will remain outside in their designated areas until 8:35 AM. Students are not to play on the playground before school as there is no supervision.
We ask that students only enter the building through their designated grade level entrance. Students are expected to remain in line, hands to themselves, and remain off playground equipment. Once students enter the building, they will walk in their line directly into their classroom.
Students who are not in their classroom by 8:40 AM are considered tardy and must check-in at the office for a tardy slip.
The Safe Arrival Program notifies parents if their child has not arrived at school. This automated program supports student learning and enhances student safety by calling home if a child is absent and the school has not been notified. For this reason, late students must be signed into the office.
Dismissal and Early Release
Please try to make all appointments outside of school in order to support your child’s learning. In the event that your child must leave school prior to the end of the school day, the parent/guardian must come into the office and sign the student out. The office will call down the student.
The safety and security of our students is a top priority of our school and district. This includes ensuring our students are safe at dismissal.
Walking Parent Pick-Up
When picking up your child by foot, please wait at the top of the playground, by the sand field, keeping walking paths to the exits clear. Many of our learners become very overwhelmed when forced to walk through large crowds of adults to make it to the car pick-up line.
• Dismissal is at 3:10 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Dismissal is at 1:40 PM on Wednesday.
• Older siblings (middle and high school students) who are picking up younger siblings should plan to meet at the flag pole no earlier than 3:05 PM.
• Students enrolled in the Extended Day program or supervised by an adult are allowed on campus after school. All other students need to leave by 3:20 PM.
• The playground will open at 6:00 PM for community access after Extended Day has been closed.
Any students in need of help should go to the office immediately and may use the phone for emergencies. In case of a parent/guardian being late or not showing, students are to go to the office and the office will call home. Phones will not be used by students to plan rides, playdates, or any nonemergencies. Parents/guardians arriving late should pick up their child/ren in the office.
After School Playground
Use We ask that families who wish to stay after school to use the playground wait on the sand field until 3:20 PM (1:50 PM on Wednesday) to ensure all students have been safely dismissed prior to using the playground. All students on the playground must be supervised by an adult. We ask students and families to follow our same school rules while playing such as staying on the play equipment, blacktop and sand field, using the play equipment as taught in PE, and throwing away trash.
Drop Off/Pick Up
The JME parking lot is a very busy place before and after school. The safety of our students is our highest priority so if you choose to drop off or pick up students in a vehicle, please plan to be patient.
As a reminder, John Muir Elementary is a walking school. We encourage you to utilize the safe walking routes as much as possible to ease the congestion in our parking lots.
The north parking lot is to be used for Kindergarten, First and Second Grade drop off and pick up. The south lot is for Third, Fourth and Fifth Grade drop off and pick up. If you have multiple students that attend John Muir Elementary, please pre-determine which parking lot you will drop off/pick up each day.
When using the drop off/pick up zone, please pull as far forward in the zone as possible. If using the drop off/pick up zone, students are expected to be able to get in and out of the car without adult support and need to exit and enter the car on the curb side for safety reasons. If they can’t, please allow time to park in a marked parking spot and walk the student onto campus. You may park in the designated areas in the north lot, the south church parking lot, or Kamiakin Middle School parking lot to drop off or pick up your student before or after school. The south lot is for staff parking only. Students are not to walk into the parking lot without an adult accompanying them.
Do not drop off or pick up your child on 132nd Ave NE or in the middle of the parking lot.
For drivers with handicapped parking permits, please drive directly to one of the 3 designated spaces available. If all spaces are filled, please return to the drop off/pickup zone or park in one of the visitor parking spaces.
Always drive slowly and use caution when using the JME drop off/pick up zone and parking lot. Also, please follow any directions from adult staff.
Birthday Policy
Birthday party invitations are NOT to be handed out during school hours. Please arrange to deliver invites outside of school hours and off school property.
At JME, we are committed to empowering, equipping, and encouraging each student to achieve their limitless potential by providing equitable* opportunities. We stand for a sense of belonging, community, diversity, and academic success.    
John Muir Elementary - where we:  
As we continue to strive for this goal, we are also looking inward at our own definitions of equity and forming our collective identity as a school that truly embraces diversity and celebrates each student for who they are and who they wish to become.  We are focusing our efforts on increasing student sense of belonging here at John Muir Elementary.  We want each and every student to feel respected, celebrated and valued.
This has led to a thoughtful discussion as a staff around how we honor students on their birthdays.  We want students to feel celebrated on their special day.  We want to join in the joy that they feel on their birthday.  We also recognize that every family has their own traditions and customs for celebrating this day as well.
Our celebration policy as of September 20th, 2022:
Students who celebrate their birthday will be honored at school with a special classroom recognition determined by the classroom teacher. This might include a special read aloud, birthday chant/song, or community circle recognition.
We will not be celebrating student birthdays with outside food or treats.
Here is our WHY:
·Not all students are able to bring treats or goody bags to share with their class.  This is not equitable.
·Not all students are able to participate in eating treats due to allergies.  This is not equitable or safe.
·Not all students are able to participate in the celebration for religious and cultural reasons.  This is not equitable.
·Not all students respond to sugar in the same way and thus this can negatively impact their health and learning.  This is not equitable.
**This also applies to other celebrations. No outside treats can be brought in by families unless requested by the teacher for a special class event.**
Bicycle/Scooter Policy
Students 10 years and older can ride bikes or scooters to school. If this is something you are interested in having your student do, you must fill out the John Muir Bicycle Contract. There is a bike rack at both parking lots for bikes to be securely locked up. Students will need to use their own lock. Students must wear a helmet. Students may not ride bikes or scooters on school grounds and may walk their bikes/scooters in when entering school property.
Pruchasing Breakfast/Lunch
Student Breakfast |
$2.75 |
Student Lunch |
$4.25 |
Adult Breakfast |
$4.00 |
Adult Lunch |
$5.50 |
Milk only |
$0.50 |
Forms for Free or Reduced-Price Breakfast and Lunch are available in the school office. If a child qualifies, a new form must be submitted at the beginning of each school year. You can fill this form out online on the district webpage.
Each student has their own card and account. Money can be added to their account by paying in the office with exact cash, check or by online at Parents/guardians will be notified when the account is running low or if a balance is due. Any questions, please check with the classroom teacher, accountant Mrs. Whelan, or the front office.
Cafeteria/Dining Expectations
Students are given 25 minutes to eat their lunch. Please remind your child that their focus should be on eating their lunch in the given time. All food and drinks are NOT to be shared due to possible food allergies. Students with allergies will be allowed to eat at the allergy aware table for safety.
Cafeteria Expectations
· Stay at the table once seated
· Use their best manners
· Use inside voices
· Sit at their assigned table
· Make one trip to the garbage can/recycle bin when dismissed
· Raise their hand when needing support with utensils, napkins, spills, or need to use the restroom
Communication from the school about important dates, activities, school events, fundraisers, and any other important information will be available and communicated to families through the following ways:
· ParentSquare
· Notes home in student’s backpacks
· Peach Jar
· School newsletter – sent via ParentSquare
· Our school website
· School reader board
Dress Code
In order to facilitate learning for all students, JME requires that student dress and appearance follow health and safety standards and not cause disruption to the learning environment. Students who do not follow these guidelines will be asked to change their clothing, cover up or go home if necessary. Please remember to think about clothing when students are standing, sitting, bending or reaching.
Clothing that promotes drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence, is sexually suggestive or displays inappropriate pictures, writing or innuendos is prohibited.
Our focus is on learning. Anything that interrupts or distracts the learning of others will be addressed. Students wearing attire that is not suitable for school will be reminded of the policy, asked to change into borrowed school clothing and/or a call home for clothing will be made.
Clothing must cover the student’s stomach, back, shoulders, chest and undergarments. Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be longer than mid-thigh. Undergarments must be covered. Closed-toe shoes are expected so that students can fully participate in the wide variety of activities that happen every day at JME. No flip flops, slippers heelies/wheelies or high heeled shoes should not be worn in school. If you have any questions, please contact the principal.
If school needs to be closed for any reason an automated message will be sent to you via ParentSquare with instructions about picking up your child(ren). For weather emergencies, The Lake Washington School District will notify local radio and television stations with updates as well. In case we need to contact you by email or phone, it is important that student emergency information is correct. Please contact the office if there are any changes in your contact information (address, phone number, emergency contact’s phone number).
We suggest you remain at home unless directed by emergency personnel or LWSD staff to come to the school grounds. This message will come via ParentSquare. If you arrive at the school during an emergency, you should go to the area in front of the school and wait for directions from staff. Please do not enter the playground. Very specific procedures for student release must be followed in any emergency. Please be patient. All these procedures are in place to guarantee student safety.
Students in Washington state may apply for an Inter-District Transfer Agreement to attend a school in a different school district or may apply for an In-District Variance for attendance in another, non-resident school within the Lake Washington School District. Both Inter-District Transfer Agreements and In-District Variances are determined on a space-available basis. Refer to our school district website for timelines and processes.
Expectations and Rules
At JME students ROAR. They are:
· Respectful
· On Task
· Appropriate
· Responsible
Recess Expectations |
Hallway Expectations |
Cafeteria Expectations |
Bathroom Expectations |
Stairwell Expectations |
Respectful |
I can show good sportsmanship
I can include everyone during play
I can follow staff directions
I can keep my body safe
I can say hello to my friends and teachers without using my voice |
I can keep my food in my mouth
I can keep my body to myself
I can place trash in the garbage |
I can have privacy for myself and others |
I can follow staff directions
I can stay to the right so people can get by easily
I can stay in my spot in line |
On Task |
I can play games according to the rules taught in P.E.
I can immediately line up when the bell rings |
I can give space between me and the person in front of me
I can go straight to my destination |
I can sit safely while eating my own lunch
I can raise my hand if I need something
I can stay safely in my spot |
I can Go, Flush, Wash, and… Immediately back to class |
I can walk on the right side quietly |
Appropriate |
I can use appropriate language and conversations
I can use equipment appropriately
I can use KELSO choices to solve problems |
I can walk in the halls quietly |
I can have appropriate conversations
I can talk to my friends using an inside voice |
I can be quiet so as not to disturb other classrooms |
I can touch each step while walking
I can keep my body to myself |
Responsible |
I can play where adults can see me
I can put equipment away after the last recess
I can keep bark, mulch, flowers, rocks, and sand on the ground |
I can walk in line on the right side |
I can report spills to an adult
I can wash my hands
I can put my items where they belong when I am done |
I can keep the bathrooms clean
I can place my paper towel in the trash can |
I can stay in line
I can get where I need to go |
Physical interaction expectations:
JME has rules about physical and verbal interactions for a variety of reasons, including safety, health, cultural considerations and to maintain fair and equal treatment of all students.
- Safe touches
These touches are generally considered appropriate and can include pats on the back or shoulder, handshakes, high fives, and holding hands. Students should maintain appropriate and respectful personal space.
- Unsafe touches
These touches can hurt a child's feelings or body and should be avoided. They can include hitting, pushing, pinching, kicking, or touching private parts.
- Distractions
Physical touch can be distracting for students and educators, especially in early education classrooms. It can divert students' attention from the lesson, which can disrupt the classroom and distract the educator.
Expectations for Respectful Interactions
At JME we practice respectful behavior to encourage, equip and empower all students by creating an equitable, positive, inclusive, and successful learning environment. We expect all adults to model the kind of responsible, considerate, and positive behavior we hope to instill in our scholars. Verbal interactions and conversations among students are appropriate to the school environment and support student learning and growth. Additionally, JME scholars are expected to respectfully interact with staff and volunteers in the same manner. Students are expected to interact by using positive communication that shows respect for the dignity, diversity, and well-being of all adults and students by listening to others, seeking to understand, and sharing my ideas so others may hear and understand my perspective.
Expectation for Appropriate Use of Social Media:
Social media is part of society, and it has an impact on individuals as well as communities. JME families are asked to commit to using social media in a manner that promotes a positive JME. When families or students have a concern, they are expected to “go to the source” and engage in a direct, confidential, and private conversation about a concern. Families and students are expected to refrain from idle gossip or complaints in person, text, and social media.
Electronic Devices Policy
In order to create a positive learning environment for all students, any personal electronic devices may not be used on campus from student arrival until 3:10 PM. This includes iPad, laptop, cell phones, smart watches, cameras, or any other hand-held music or gaming devices.
At JME, we understand that many parents/guardians choose to have their children carry a cell phone for communication purposes in the event of emergencies or changes in plans. However, in order to not disrupt the school day, any student bringing a cell phone or electronic device to school must keep it turned off and out of sight while on campus. Smart watches are allowed to be worn but must be disabled from mobile mode and access to the internet. They are to only be used as a watch to tell time during the day. If a student is seen with a cell phone during school hours, they will be given a reminder of the school policy, and/or it may be taken away and kept in the office until the end of the day or until a parent or guardian of the student comes to school to pick it up.
During school hours, if a parent or guardian needs to get a message to their children they are welcome to call the office at 425-936-2640 and the message will be delivered to the student as soon as possible and in a manner that will not disrupt learning. Students are permitted to use their cell phones after dismissal.
Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
· The Lake Washington School District is required to protect families from unauthorized release of certain information about its students.
· However, directory information may be released without permission from parents/guardians unless parents/guardians submit the Request to Prevent Disclosure Information form. A copy of this form is available in the office.
· Directory information is routinely used by the school district in news releases, school events programs, and student directories. Such information is also released for the purposes of providing educational, scholarship, vocational/occupational, and/or military information (or to the news media or law enforcement). This information will not be released for commercial purposes.
Health Curriculum
Health is one of the subjects taught in 4th and 5th grade. Students and families will get information in the Fall at Curriculum Night and a letter will go home one month prior to sex education/HIV instruction. Wavier forms are available in the office if a parent/guardian chooses not to have the child participate in the health curriculum. Parents/guardians have the right to preview the material being taught by setting up an appointment by contacting the office. With the understanding that the district curriculum adoption committee recommends teachers teach only a subset of the lessons. The lessons may also be viewed online at:
Homework Policy
To allow for students to grow age appropriately, homework will not start until 3rd grade. There is no homework for grades K-2.
Education is strengthened by the reinforcement of learning activities outside of the school day. Doing homework can help to accomplish this for students.
The purpose of homework can be any of the following:
· To practice and refine skills so that mastery is achieved.
· To prepare students for the next class meeting.
· To extend assignments and to apply learning to a new situation.
· To create a long-range assignment or project requiring several days or weeks to complete.
· To make up missed assignments due to absence.
In addition to the above, the staff at John Muir believe that homework helps the child develop responsibility, independence, strong study skills, and work habits.
Make a commitment to listen to your child talk about their school work and to give your child some time each evening when they have your undivided attention.
Provide a place and a regular planned time when your child can study without distractions from TV, telephone, and other siblings.
Encourage your child to ask questions about the assignment at the time the assignment is made or before they leave school.
Encourage your child to ask questions if he/she is struggling with a portion of the assignment.
Check with your child to see that the assignment is complete and is his/her best effort.
Be sure to check with your child frequently on the status of completion of long- term assignments.
Help your child develop a system or set aside a place for completed homework so that it will be remembered each day.
Provide your child the opportunity to go to the library or other resource areas in your community.
Lunch/Recess Schedules
What is PBIS?
PBIS is a schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports system designed to increase academic performance, improve safety, decrease problem behaviors, and establish a positive school culture.
PBIS is a systems approach, establishing the school culture and behavioral supports needed for schools to be effective learning environments for all students. It is a proactive approach in creating a positive, predictable, consistent, and safe school environment.
PBIS focuses on three basic ideas for improving school climate and culture:
· Developing consistent school-wide and classroom expectations
· Teaching these expectations to all students in a variety of ways
· Recognizing students for following the expectations
Students succeed when a positive school culture is promoted, informative corrective feedback is provided, behaviors are proactively managed, academic success is maximized, and the use of prosocial skills is acknowledged.
Evidence Based Features of PBIS include:
· Prevention
· Define and teach positive social expectations
· Acknowledge positive behavior
· Arrange consistent consequences for problem behaviors
· Collection and use of data for decision-making
· Continuum of intensive, individual interventions
· Administrative leadership-Team-based implementations
Our PBIS Vision/Mission
To achieve a safe and positive school, we implement a series of strategies called Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, or PBIS. The goal of the PBIS team at John Muir is to create and promote a safe and positive school environment that enhances student learning. By consistently teaching and modeling, reinforcing, and recognizing positive behaviors, we believe all our students can do their best.
In short, the goal of PBIS at John Muir is to positively and proactively teach students how to interact with each other and with adults in and out of the classroom, during specialists, on the playground, at the lunchroom, and in all areas of the school before negative interactions occur.
What will I notice about John Muir’s implementation of PBIS?
· Common routines, language and practices used throughout the school to provide consistency for students.
· The use of data to track behavior issues.
· Increased positive feedback to students.
· Implementation of a schoolwide reward system.
· Increased family/school communication, partnerships, and relationships.
PBIS Reward/Acknowledgement System
ROAR tickets are used to acknowledge, promote, and reinforce the positive above and beyond behaviors of students. Staff will distribute ROAR tickets when they observe a student exhibiting any of the four behavior expectations: respectful, on task, appropriate, or responsible. These observations can happen in any setting. ROAR tickets are collected in the office. ROAR ticket winners will be announced each Friday by randomly selecting a student’s ROAR ticket from each grade level. These students will be awarded a certificate, prize, and group picture with an administrator that is posted on the screen in the lobby and sent home in monthly newsletters.
Gotcha Tickets are used to acknowledge, promote, and reinforce the positive behaviors of students. Staff will distribute Gotcha tickets as they observe a student exhibiting any of the four behavior expectations: respectful, on task, appropriate, or responsible. Students will place their tickets in classroom buckets. Each Friday, all tickets will be collected in the office to fill our special container. When the container is filled, students will receive a school-wide reward such as an extra recess or spirit day.
The Silver Plate Award recognizes classrooms that are following ROAR expectations in the lunchroom. Each week four classes are recognized by the Instructional Assistants in the lunchroom to earn the Silver Plate Award, receive a silver plate to display in their classroom and a certificate.
The Golden Broom Award recognizes classes that are keeping their classroom clean each day. Each week four classes are recognized by the custodians for earning the Golden Broom Award, receive a golden broom to display in their classroom and a certificate.
Kelso’s Choices
We support using Kelso’s choices in all grades to solve problems but especially in grades K-1. Kelso’s choices teaches students about small problems and how to solve them on their own and big problems that they need to get an adult to help them with.
Second Step Curriculum is used to teach skills for learning in grades 2-5.
Personal Items at School
The following items should be left at home: hard balls, super balls, skateboards, scooters, “wheelies,” roller blades, whistles, trading cards, toy weapons, toys, and playground type equipment from home. Skateboards, scooters, roller blades, and bicycles are not permitted at after school or PTSA evening events. Students will be asked to leave the grounds if they bring these items to an after-school event. If they bring them during school, the items will be kept in the office for families to pick up. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Students personal and/or band equipment left at school is done so at the student’s risk. If a personal item brought to school becomes a distraction to teaching and learning, the item may be confiscated, and families contacted. If a student or family has any questions, please contact the principal.
Pets at School
LWSD Policy 2030: To manage the risks associated with the presence of animals on district property, the following restrictions applies to animals on school grounds and in buildings:
· No animals are allowed on district property between 7 AM and 4:00 PM on any school day, except for bona fide service dogs. No dogs are permitted in district athletic stadiums at any time, except for bona fide service dogs.
· At all other times animals must be leashed and controlled by owners. The owner must clean up after their dogs and remove waste from district premises.
· According to Washington State law (RCW 16.08.040), the owner of any dog that bites a person while that person is in a public place or lawfully in a private place is liable for any damages suffered by the person bitten, regardless of the former viciousness of such dog or the owner's knowledge of such viciousness. The dog owner is personally held strictly liable for the damage inflicted on any persons injured or harmed by the dog physically or emotionally in any manner.
Playground/Recess Expectations
At JME our playground is another place students have fun, play together and share. If I have a small problem, I will try two of Kelso's Choices. If I have a BIG problem, I will tell an adult.
Playground Expectations:
· Stay on the playground at all times.
· Ask an adult for a pass to use the restroom.
· Play games according to the game rules taught in PE.
· Use all play equipment in a safe manner and only in designated areas.
· Use two hands on the bars.
· Go down the slide seated forward.
· Leave bark, sticks, rocks or anything else found on the ground.
· Let others join a game, if they choose.
· Keep personal items, school supplies, and food inside.
· Use school equipment on the playground and leave personal items at home.
The John Muir PTSA is very active with a number of volunteers who assist the school in a variety of ways to help make John Muir an even better place to learn. The PTSA helps facilitate family involvement through its many programs and activities. It is our stated mission to work to enhance the learning environment of every student — a mission we take very seriously. Our programs fall into three main categories: curriculum/classroom support, community building and health and safety.
Classroom and curriculum support are vital to our mission. To this end, PTSA programs support math, science, art, music, library, outdoor education, and educative assemblies as well as teacher stipends and staff appreciation events.
Research indicates that students do better in the classroom when there is a strong sense of school community. To support this, the PTSA sponsors social and family events to build a shared sense of belonging.
Students must feel safe and well in order to learn. To promote health and safety, the PTSA provides health screenings, parent educational opportunities, emergency preparedness supplies, and numerous programs focused on the well-being of our students.
All of this is possible because of the incredible contributions of time and talent from staff, administration, and families like you. Whatever you have to contribute, the John Muir Elementary community needs your voice and participation.
President |
Sonja Saar |
VP of Membership |
Crystal Boyle |
VP of Fundraising |
Clarissa Fowler |
Secretary |
Eimhin McManus |
Treasurer |
Jennifer Peroyea |
Volunteer Chair |
Laurie Kallenborn |
Advocacy Chair |
Vacant |
School and District Events
If your child is sick, please notify the office and teacher as soon as possible. District policy is that a child may not return to school until 24 hours after vomiting. Students with a temperature over 100 degrees should stay home and return 24 hours after the fever has broken. Parents/guardians may use their judgment on whether their child should go to school. If you have concerns, call or stop by the office for advice. When students are sick, or return from being absent from sickness, they are expected to participate fully in school activities. If they are unable to, they will be sent to the office and a call home will be made. Students may not stay in during recess due to sickness unless they have a doctor’s note requiring it. If children are too sick to go outside, please keep them at home until they feel better.
Too Sick for School
Keeping students’ home when they are too sick for school protects other students and staff from potential illness. If your student becomes ill at school, you will be called to take your student home. It is essential that your student's school has a phone number where you can be contacted during the day and an emergency number in the event you cannot be reached. Families can update their emergency contacts in Skyward Family Access throughout the year through the Student Info tab and request changes link.
A sick student cannot learn effectively and is unable to participate in classes in a meaningful way. Keeping a sick student home and encouraging frequent handwashing allows the student the opportunity to rest and recover and prevents the spread of illness in the school community.
For more information on when to keep your child home from school, please visit
Medication/ Health Room Policy
District Nurses are assigned to multiple schools and are not assigned to a specific campus. If a student feels ill during the school day, they may go to the health room. The Health Room Office Professional will support or check on the student’s health. Parents should inform the school on the student emergency contact card or in writing if a student has a life- threatening illness, infectious disease, or serious allergy.
The Lake Washington School District’s medication policy states that the only medication to be given at school must be doctor prescribed and needed in the event of a life-threatening situation. Students may NOT medicate themselves, including cough drops, ointments, ibuprofen or aspirin. Any medication that must be administered during the school day will be done in the Health Room by an approved JME staff member.
Teachers are NOT permitted to give students over the counter medications.
If a student is currently taking daily medications, parents need to arrange to have the student take it before school begins.
Should medication need to be administered at school, parents must have their child’s physician sign the LWSD medication form (#4023); provide a separate prescription pharmacy bottle labeled by the pharmacist (handwritten labels will not be accepted) bring the pharmacy bottle with the exact amount of medication needed for the designated time period (no more than one month at a time) to school at least two days prior to administration.Parents/guardians must pick up any unused medication (i.e. Epi-Pens, inhalers, etc.) by the last day of school.
Lake Washington School District Lice Protocol: If health room staff or Registered Nurse find live lice on a student, the student may remain at school for the remainder of the school day. The student will no longer be sent home immediately upon identification of live lice. This is based on the current recommendations of Centers of Disease Control (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and King County Public Health.
Staff will notify parent/guardian(s) by phone and send the Lice Notification Letter home with the student.
The student’s classroom will also receive this letter if there are 4 or more active cases in an elementary classroom.
Lake Washington School District’s lice protocol states that students that are identified with live lice or nits (white lice eggs) either at school or from the student’s parent and/or guardian(s) will have to be treated and have no live lice present for the student to return to school. Students must be checked into the front office prior to returning to class and be cleared by district trained staff and/or nurse. All inspections, findings, and communications must be documented in Skyward.
If the student returns to school and nits are still present, but there are not any live lice, the student may remain in school. The student will be rechecked by school staff in 7-10 days after initial treatment. The parent and/or guardians(s) will need to continue to check daily to remove any remaining nits that may still be present. All inspections, findings, and communications must be documented in Skyward.
However, if live lice are found on return to school after treatment, the student will not be allowed to attend school that day. The nurse will provide guidance with the family in regard to live lice.
Reminder When Visiting School
Having visitors and volunteers at JME is both encouraged and appreciated.
LWSD has entry access control systems in all schools to help ensure we know who is in the building. This system allows us to keep all doors locked and use a camera and doorbell system for visitors to gain access to the building.
When you arrive at school during business hours, enter through the main door. Please give your name and purpose of your visit after ringing the doorbell (e.g. I am here to pick up my student, I am Vo, I am dropping off something for my student). Upon entering, proceed to the office, present your ID, and check in. Visitors must wear a badge while at the school.
Volunteers must complete the Volunteer Application Process at Approved applications are good for two years.
As a reminder, when visiting students, understand that teachers are expected to be instructing and supervising students from 8:35 AM- 3:10 PM. Any conferences, meetings, and or time needed to speak with the teacher should be scheduled with the teacher in advance. Teachers are expected to get back to you in a timely manner. We protect our instructional time at JME in order to provide your child with the best educational experiences possible. No kids should be playing on the recess toys during the hours of 8:40 AM-3:10 PM. Students playing on the playground after school hours must be supervised.
Student Progress Reports
All students will receive a written report in January and also at the end of the school year in June. Family-Student-Teacher conferences will be held in January. These are to be student led conferences. Additional conferences may be scheduled throughout the school year by the teacher or families as needed.
Student Safety Patrol
Adult supervisors and student safety patrol help support student safety as students walk to and from JME. All guards and supervisors are given authority to remind students to act in a safe manner and to report if students are not responsive to their reminders. Students are expected to follow the safe walking route guidelines provided by the LWSD Risk Management Office and use the designated crosswalks where there are supervisors and student patrols. The following crosswalks should be used by students walking to and from school.
· 132nd Ave NE and NE 140th St (Traffic Light)
· NE 140th St and 129th Pl NE
· 132nd AVE (Crosswalk with Flashing Light in Front of Kamiakin and John Muir)
Student Volunteers
Middle and high school students are welcome to John Muir when serving in a volunteer role that has been prearranged with a John Muir staff member. The students must fill out a student volunteer application signed by their parent/guardian and their principal.
Forms are available online and at the John Muir office. Student volunteers need to sign into the office and always wear a badge. To maintain a safe and secure academic environment for our students, middle and high school students are not permitted to wait on campus during the time period between their school dismissal and the end of our day.
Umbrellas and Sunglasses at Recess Policy
Vacation/Extended Absence Policy
While we understand that there are occasional circumstances that require students to miss a day of school, please remember that there is no substitute for the in-class instruction that students experience. It is impossible to replicate what happens in the classroom through written work. Often written work is an extension of what is taught and discussed during the lesson in class. Although every effort will be made to see that your child gains the missed learning. Teachers are NOT required to assemble packets of work for student absences.
Walking Home Procedure/Policy
Anyone, including adults and minors, walking South of JME needs to follow the new walking path shown on the map for safety reasons. For the safety of all families, students, and adults, the walking path minimizes the amount of time students/adults spend walking in front of cars and improves traffic flow out of the school.
Student Acceptable Use Procedures (AUP)
The AUP Stands for Student Acceptable Use Procedures. This is focused on making sure all students use the computers at JME appropriately.
The rules below are a summary of the Lake Washington School District Student Acceptable Use Procedures (Policy 2022-P), which articulates the entire policy for district technology usage.
I understand that the use of district technology is a privilege and if I do not follow the Student Acceptable Use Procedures, then I will be denied the use of district technology in addition to consequences.
I will read, sign & returned the Permission for Student Use form with a parent/guardian before using a computer at school.
I will have permission from a teacher or instructional assistant before using a computer at school.
I will never give my password to anyone else and I will never use anyone else’s password.
I will only visit websites as directed by my teacher.
I will only use my district provided email account for school related work.
I will not change any computer settings without permission from a staff member.
I will use district technology equipment appropriately and respectfully (hardware and software).
I will not bully or communicate disrespectfully with pictures, words, or other media using district technology.
I will follow copyright and fair use guidelines.
I will not share any of my personal information online (phone number, address, name, etc.).
I understand that the district (my teachers and Mrs. Boughton) can see and monitor everything that I do on district technology equipment.