Before and After School Programs
JME offers an Extended Day Program. This program is very flexible as you can use it as little or as often to meet your family's needs. Our Extended Day Program provides quality child care both before and after school. There is a ratio of one adult for every 15-18 children. The Extended Day Program operates on regularly scheduled school days beginning with the first day of school. Extended Day will be also open when children are out of school for staff training days, early release days, and during parent teacher conferences. To qualify a child must be of elementary school age and be enrolled in the Lake Washington School District. Please call the Extended Day Office for current pricing and space availability at 425-936-1175.
Our PTSA offers a variety of after school classes during the school year for all our students. When an after school class is offered, a flyer is posted on our Peachjar eflyer site with all the information you'll need to register. Check out our Peachjar eflyer site.