KICKBALL RULES: (Grades 4-5)
How to Play:
- No more than 15 players per side.
- The game is played according to softball rules with the following exceptions: (3 good pitches per player).
- The pitcher rolls the ball to the waiting kicker. 3 GOOD rolls.
- A player is out when tagged with the ball or if a ball arrives at a base before the runner arrives.
- The runner may not leave the base until the ball has been kicked.
- Runner may not advance when pitcher has the ball.
- The kicking team continues until 3 outs are made. Then they exchange places with the fielding team.
Things to remember:
- Stay in your position
- Stay behind pitcher, no sneaking up for a bunt
- Touch each base
- You get three chances to kick the ball
- Three kicks without putting ball in play
- Tagged with ball or base
- Forced out
- Caught fly ball
Running / Tag
We have two sets of soccer goals.
- Start by choosing two teams.
- The game should be started with a kickoff in the center of the field.
- After a goal is scored, the goalie will kick the ball back into play.
- The goalie is the ONLY player permitted to use their hands. NO other players may use their hands. If you are not the goalie and you constantly use your hands, you will be asked to leave the game.
- Throw-ins must be legal soccer throw-ins. (Two-handed, behind the head, feet on the ground). They must be taken each time the ball goes out over the side line or if a violation has occurred.
- Players may NOT stand directly in front of the goalie, nor may they touch the goalie. When the goalie has the ball, the opposing players must move to allow the goalie to kick the ball.
- NO foul language is permitted at any time.
- Only one person needs to go after the ball when it leaves the playing field.
- All attempts should be made to make the teams even and fair.
- Use good sportsmanship at all times, remember to have fun.
Touch Football
Use one of the soccer fields to play touch football (only for 4-5 grades)
- Make teams, number off 1-2, 1-2 until teams are created. Best if 4-6 per side.
- One team punts or throws to other team to start game.
- Positions - center, quarterback, receiver.
- One team has four downs to score.
- A 5 second huddle is required so the defense can get set.
- If one team completes 2 forward passes, then team earns a first down and may continue play.
- If the team playing offense does not get a first down, then they must punt or throw to the other team on 4th down.
- A team scores when they reach the grass at either end of the soccer field.
- 5 Mississippi is counted out loud before rushing the quarterback, unless quarterback begins to run.
- One or two hand touch will stop play. This creates a new line of scrimmage. No tackling!
- If there is arguing that can not be resolved, player(s) may be asked to leave the game.